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Is Managed Print Worth the Investment?

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If you’re considering a new business investment, you must evaluate the pros and cons of all options. You want to pay for a service that is critical to keeping your business competitive and avoid contributing to a service you don’t need. The goal is to ensure your company has all the right tools and strategies to move forward and leap ahead of the competition.

Managed print services are an essential company investment critical to updating operations. Are you wondering if it’s right for your business?

Easily Enforce your Print Policy
Every responsible business has a print policy, but it’s usually sitting in a file cabinet somewhere, unread and unenforced. With managed print services, your print policy is part of the plan, so it’s integrated and enforceable.

Save up to 30% on Print Costs
Managing your printing equipment can save up to 30% on printing costs. If you’re like many business owners that aren’t entirely sure how much your organization spends on printing, cutting it back by a third will allow you a sigh of relief as you manage this cost.

Consolidate Your Fleet
Cut back on office waste situations like personal desk printers and various printers to repair. Streamline the fleet to operate smoothly and without a second thought.

Track and Analyse Use
In addition to following the print policy, you can track and analyze usage and even update your plan if needed to allow for the utmost office efficiency. The data can help make decisions about how to further save time and money in the workplace.

If your business would like to investigate further whether managed print is right for your business, please feel free to contact us at anytime.